Starting with the two founders who are passionate and obsessed in online communication coupled with our experiences from working with leading many international advertising agency firms that involved and closely participated in many major advertising projects with top marketers of many countries for more than 10 years.
In year 2018, with their visions, they decided to start their own company called “IDEAS LABS” to leverage their experiences into even further successful outcome for their clients. With the expertise and professionalism, our company has built solid relationship to all of our clients especially who have been working with us in long-term projects.
Thank you for the great support from our clients that made us growing and sharpening our skills to the point where we are ready for delivering our world class service worldwide.
In year 2020, we have both foreign and very successful domestic investors investing in IDEAS LABS. Our company expands its legacy to full potential above and beyond by gathering and developing our team, integrating and totaling solution services for brands supporting. We developed effective and efficient communication campaigns in both online and offline channels. We are offering many services including but not limited to creating competitive communication strategy, fascinating creative ideas & execution works and targeting result-based media plan & impactful influencer selection platform.
Last but not least, IDEAS LABS is the only agency in Thailand that can prove our strong management skill (using E-Commence platform) by increasing 18,000 orders in just a day. IDEAS LABS has been developing broad services to cover brand communication & platform management aspects, and also delivering impressive and outstanding results to our clients.